Swift 'for' loop with enumerated() and zip()
'for' loop is used every where in programming languages as the part of Control flow statements. Consider names of few users, I have initialized them below. let names = [ "John" , "Fred" , "Maria" , "Rose" ] Simple for Loop A simple 'for' loop iterating through the items is listed below. for var i = 0 ; i < names.count; i++ { print( "Name= \ ( names[i] )" ) } This will result in compile time error in Swift 3 onwards. Below is the compile time error " C-style for statement has been removed in Swift 3 " So, lets correct it now and use a much shorter syntax. for item in names { print ( "Name = \ ( item )" ) } Output: Name = John Name = Fred Name = Maria Name = Rose for Loop with Counter Now what if I want the counter to be also accessible within the same loop. That counter can be used to perform some operation , let's say a...